
Goals and Objectives:

Strategic Area – DEA Support – Help build DEA’s that are effective partners in education

  1. Increase DEA understanding of their roles, rights and responsibilities.

1.Increase DEA understanding of their roles, rights and responsibilities.

  1. Inform DEAs of their current roles, rights and responsibilities.
  2. Inform DEAs of their changes in their roles, rights and responsibilities as a result of Bill 25
  3. Build strong DEA Boards based on best practices for NGOs
  4. Deliver governance training
  5. Provide timely advice and information on issues affecting DEAs
  6. Provide support to DEAs to help attract quality DEA Board members
  7. Provide training to DEAs to help them achieve their objectives
  8. Deliver administrative training
  9. Deliver training on plan development (reworded)
  10. Assist DEAs in new funding formula consultations
  11. Inform DEAs on issues surrounding new funding formula discussions
  12. Undertake DEA consultations to create NCDEAs position (advocacy) on issue
  13. Advocate for changes that support DEA needs

Provide DEAs with quality information (Research & Monitoring) that allows them to work with

schools in developing plans that support the educational needs of youth and their families.

  1. Assist suspended DEAs to become able to exercise its powers, perform its duties and fulfil its


  1. Inform DEAs on grounds for suspension guidelines from GN
  2. Mediate suspension with Minister and impacted DEA
  3. Develop recovery/reinstatement plan for DEA to be approved by Minister.
  4. Provide training, support and guidance to DEAs on issues that lead to their suspension.
  5. Provide administrative support to DEAs where practical.
  6. Provide additional support/services to DEAs as needed.
  7. Improve communications between GN and DEAs

Become a stronger advocate on DEA Issues

  1. Build trusting relationship with DEAs
  2. Ensure DEA issues are collected, organized and presented to the GN.
  3. Provide consultations to the Minister and departmental staff as required/requested

Build a highly effective Coalition Board based on best practices for NGOs

  1. Deliver governance training
  2. Develop system to help attract quality CNDEA Board members
  3. Develop committee structure to support DEA objectives/issues

Examples of these important decisions include:

  • Choosing the language of instruction and language model to be used in the school;
  • establishing the school calendar;
  • developing a registration and attendance policy;
  • developing an Inuuqatigiisiarniq (discipline) policy; issuing suspensions and expulsions;
  • working with Region School Operations (RSO) to hire school staff (including teachers and principals) providing an early childhood education program that promotes Inuit language and culture.

The various positions/structures that make up the DEA are:

  • each DEA is comprised of seven members (the CSFN has five members);
  • each member is elected for a four-year term; each DEA includes one chairperson and one vice-chairperson;
  • each DEA has committees on human resources, finance, Inuuqatigiisiarniq (discipline policies), and attendance;
  • and DEAs must meet at least once a month.

Who can become a DEA member?

Guidelines for eligibility to run in a DEA election are governed under Section 19 of the Local Authority Elections Act. In general, DEA elections are open to any member of the community who is the age of 18 years or older and can vote in Nunavut.The DEA is responsible for making important decisions concerning the delivery of education.

To be nominated to stand as a DEA candidate you must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen
  • Be at least 18 years old,
  • Be a resident of Nunavut for at least 12 consecutive months at the time of nomination
  • Be a resident of the community for no specific time period

You are not eligible to be nominated or to stand as a candidate as a member of a DEA if you are:

  • Are a member of the school staff
  • Are a person hired for the delivery of adult education programs
  • Are an employee of the DEA
  • Are an election officer, including Elections Nunavut
  • Are in prison or other correctional institution
  • Have been convicted under the Election act within the last five years
  • Have been found to have not complied with financial reporting from an MLA election within the last five years
  • Have been found incapable of making decisions for yourself in a court of law

For more information please go to section 19 of the Local Authority Elections Act or contact your local DEA.